Sunday, March 6

Project Laundry Soap!

Call us crazy but my mother, sister and I tried our hands at making our own laundry soap!

this is what it looked like before we threw it in the food processor to make it more evenly blended.

We did the math and getting ALL pure 64 loads = $10.60 on sale divide that by 64 to get the per load amount = $0.16 per load

For the homemade laundry soap the Fels Naptha was $1.29 (one bar per batch, Borax was $4.19 (9.5 cups per box, use one cup), Arm and Hammer Washing Soda $2.89 (8 cups per box, use one cup)

1.29 (Fels Naptha bar)

+.44 (Borax, full price divided by amount used per batch)

+ .36 (Arm and Hammer, full price divided by amount used per batch)

= $2.09 divide by 64 to get per load = $0.03 per load

Now from what we've read, most people will get 64 loads per batch, use 1 teaspoon per load, if your laundry is unusually soiled, used 2 teaspoons. This will up your price per load, but in my calculations it still should be cheaper than the store bought kind.

the finished product!

I'd like to point out that it smelled really clean :D I love that fresh clean smell. Mmmmm…

So here is the recipe:

  • 1 Bar of Fels Naptha (supposedly you can use any bar soap)
  • 1 Cup Arm and Hammer Washing Soda
  • 1 Cup Borax

You can add 10-15 drops of any essential oil if you want a fragrance to it.

I love the idea of knowing what is going into the soap and knowing it's not half water.

I will update after we've tried it out and let you know the final consensus.

Have you tried making your own laundry soap? Or do you make something else that most people buy? Let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea!! I just made this and I am so excited to use it in my first load. Thanks for sharing this.
