Tuesday, March 22

Take advantage!

Yesterday I attended the Career Centers' presentation of Interviewing Basics. I was such a great event! It really got me thinking that campus is the training ground for the rest of our lives. It's incredible how much this campus provides as far as career training. Last week my roommate and I attended an etiquette dinner that taught us which fork to use and how to butter our bread (among other things).

I have joined the Miller College of Business Advance Professionalism Certificate Program (which is FREE and the events required are free too!) To earn my certificate I must attend 12 events including a mock interview and job fairs. These things will all help me advance myself, and it only costs my time.

I think the students on campus need to be more aware of the opportunities available to them. This is the prime time to take advantage of the free programs and activities that campus offers to us.
Between career prep and free printing, there's a whole slew of things available to us!

So to all those BSU students reading this: What are you doing to take advantage of the awesome opportunities BSU offers?

To all the none BSU students: What are you doing to take advantage of other institutions that provide opportunities (examples: library, churches, YMCA/YWCA, clubhouses...)

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