Thursday, April 14

What's your monthly budget?

I've been thinking a lot about budgeting recently. Since I go to college full time and part of my room and board includes 3 meals a day 7 days a week, I've become a little immune to the daily cost of meals. I've never had to buy groceries for myself on a constant basis. So that leads me to my questions:

How much do YOU spend on groceries (either weekly or monthly)?

How many people does that feed?

How much time do you spend looking for deals/couponing/shopping?

Thanks in advance for answering!!!
Happy shopping <3

1 comment:

  1. I usually go shopping once a month and spend $50-$75. That feeds myself. I don't really look for deals ahead of time but I do buy the off brand or whatever is cheapest in store. I also only get things I know I will eat in a month. The egg, bread, and milk stuff I have to sometimes get twice a month.
    I also try and budget how much I spend on fast food a month to decrease money spent each month.
    Hope this helps.
